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Over the last five years we have constructed five medal winning gardens at major events in the UK.

Designscape have constructed 5 medal winning gardens at major events in the UK, from Silver guilt at the Southport flower show to a Gold Medal for the Princes Trust Garden in 2007 for Janine Crimmins, and also Gold medal and Best Show Garden at the 2012 RHS flower show at Tatton Park again for Janine Crimmins and sponsors Mornflake

We have also won five BALI National Landscape Awards, the latest in 2017 was also a principal award in our category. The BALI Awards are a National Award Scheme with the ceremony held at the Grosvenor Hotel, Park Lane, London. Each entry is visited by a member of the national judging team and is assessed on its merits with special attention given to technical ability, construction, attention to detail and customer service.

To discuss a particular project or for more advice please contact us with your details

Award News

Award Winning Designs